Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I Am The World's WORST Blogger!!!

Holy crap.  This mission of blogging consistently is taking a downward turn.  It has been so long since I've posted! 

Let's see if I can recall what's happened since my last post.  I'm sure it's riveting!  :)

April 23: Worked.
April 24: I think I was mostly lazy this day, at least until evening arrived.  Then it was party time.  It was Tyler's aunt Meg's 50th birthday party and her friends and family all met in the party room at a Mexican food restaurant and had a blast.  Fajitas, chips and salsa, beer, margaritas-- fun was had by all!  Everyone got good and buzzed off the free margs and beer and it was really, really fun to hang out with my new family in such a fun environment.  Then we all went back to Meg's house after dinner and visited a little more with just the family and that was fun too.  I hope I'm as cute and fun as Meg is when I'm 50.
April 25: Tyler and I went to lunch with his parents at a really cool Asian bistro in the Galleria.  They have cheap all-you-can-eat Dim Sum on the weekends, so we went to check that out.  It was really good and we ate a lot and had a great time.  Then we went to the Houston Museum of Natural Science (love!) and meandered there a little before going to see the Hubble 3D IMAX.  Um, if you have an IMAX near you, you must must must go see the Hubble 3D IMAX.  It was phenomenal.  I would watch it every day if I could.  I literally cried. Leonardo DiCaprio narrated it and he was great.  It was all so amazing and beautiful.  I love space.  When I die, I hope my heaven is made up of nothing but limitless space exploration; filled with stars.
April 26: Worked and started my super new work-out routine.  More on that later.
April 27: Worked, worked out, fought with Tyler about some travel plans.
April 28: Worked, worked out, and then went to an Astros game!!  It was so fun!  I had no idea I liked baseball.  I mean, I don't think I really like baseball; I just like the baseball atmosphere.  The weather was perfect, our seats were awesome (8th row right behind 1st base-- Thanks for the free tickets, Michael!), and we ate lots of yummy food and drank beer.  The Astros lost big time, but I got a loaded baked potato and some Cracker Jacks out of the deal.  Plus, the tickets were free.  YAY!
April 29: Worked, worked out, caught up on the Modern Family and Cougar Town that we'd missed the night before.
April 30: Worked, worked out, stayed in and reveled in my laziness.
May 1: Went to the pool and got a little sunburned (which is now peeling, but only between my boobs, so that's fun), went shoe shopping, at dinner with a friend (holler Ashlea!), went to the grocery store.
May 2: Tyler and I went to lunch at Cafe Express with some great friends, including our pal Russo who just got back from some a stint living in Australia and being awesome.  He still is awesome, FYI.  It was great to hug him and catch up.  He did some amazing things during his travels and I've decided I have to go to Australia/New Zealand soon or I might die.  After lunch, Tyler and I drove around doing some "where are we going to try to buy a house when we magically have money to buy a house one day" research.  Oh, and of course then I worked out.
May 3: Tyler left for a few days of work-related travel.  I worked and worked out.
May 4: Worked, worked out, watched LOST.

Today:  Worked, shopped (don't tell Tyler), ate dinner and watched Modern Family and Cougar Town, worked out, and now as I type I'm waiting for Tyler to get home from his travels and contemplating making muffins. 

Now, if you know me at all, you're probably thinking "What's this?  Ashley must have mistyped "worked out" like 11 times up there. She doesn't work out!"  Well friends, I do now.  I've found a cool 6-week work out routine in Women's Health magazine.  I'm trying it out because...well...some of my pants don't fit so well anymore.  I've been doing it for 10 days now, and I'm really proud that I'm keeping it up so well.  I hate it while I'm doing it, but as soon as I'm done I'm so glad that I've done it.  It involves running, which I'm so not good at, but I'm getting better I think.  Hopefully I'll make it the whole 6 weeks and by the end of it I'll be able to fit into my clothes again! 

Tomorrow, we have an event at work and this weekend I'm going to Austin to see some great friends, so hopefully I'll be able to blog during all that.  I will remain faithful, dear readers!

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