Friday, April 16, 2010

This Day is Full of FAIL

Ugh.  I'm such a bad blogger!!  I can't believe I let so long go by again.  When I'm old and gray and wonder what I did in April of 2010 (which, naturally, I won't remember because I have the worst memory known to man) there will all of these big gaping holes in my bloggy-diary.

Anyway, on to today's post.  As the title says, this day is full of fail.  I totally love my job, and let's remember that, but this workday might cut my life short.  TGIF.  Here's what's going on (or not going on, as it were):

1. I burnt my finger on the toaster.  Trying to retrieve a bagel.  Lame.

2. It's the most boring day ever.  There are technically 5 people in my department, including me, and today 3 of them are off.  Granted, there are other people in my office, so it's not awkward and lonely, but it is definitely SLOW and QUIET.  Hence me blogging while at work.

3. A wheelchair tried to kill me.  I had to help a coworker roll some new wheelchairs down to Guest Services (I do the most random things at work...) and on the way, one of them fell over and hit my left hand in a weird way that's making me pout.

4. I'm having trouble finding a magical solution to the problem entitled "Ashley & Tyler Want to Go to Montreal With Family, But Are Poor". 

5. I tried to do a Sudoku puzzle and a Crossword puzzle that I found and they were both too hard. 

6. Three of the ladies in the office and I ordered lunch from Jimmy John's at 12:15pm to be delivered to our office.  It's something we've done many times bc Jimmy John's is closeby.  This time though: FAIL.  The delivery man with our food got into a small car accident on the way here.  Someone had to come get the food from the bad driver and bring it to us.  Apparently, this transaction took a VERY long time, because our food was just delivered at 1:45pm.  We were all starving to death and two of the ladies had to stay late at the office (they normally leave at 1:15-1:30 on Fridays) just to get their food. 

7. I had to carry three heavy bags of mall directorys to the opposite end of the mall and they were hurting my hands and threatening to break the whole time.

8. Our office computers were made sometime very shortly after the Jurassic Period and are slower than molasses.  The server that we have to log into in order to do anything work related is even slower.  I'm trying to upload about 5,000+ photos from this past weekend's fashion shows, and it's going so slow I could probably draw an amateur sketch of each photo by hand before the files finally transferred.  It's. So. Slow. Today, that slowness came to a halt when the server crashed. 

9. I did a post to our website, but because of our computers' lovely lack of function or ease, it posted 4 times instead of just once and then proved nearly impossible to delete.  It's not user error.  I know how to do these things.  It's the fact that you can click something, the computer will sit still and appear to have no knowledge of the fact that you've requested any action, so you'll do it again like 7 minutes later and all of the sudden that triggers the computer to go into super-action mode and do what you've asked, only a million times.

10. The mall manager (aka the big boss) asked me to do him a favor and make a survey for all of the tenants to fill out.  He wants it to be "fancy", incorporate photos and words and boxes and blah blah blah.  Problems: I am not a graphic designer. I can't get Paint to open and/or function on my computer.  I don't really know what questions he wants included on the survey.  I'm limited to one page.  I can't get the fonts to function in a manner which will make selection easy for me.  Mall manager is at a seemingly-unending lunch meeting and I can't run anything by him.

Anyway, I think that's all I can come up with to complain about.  It's really not that terrible, I just think this day definitely has an air of FAIL about it.  Despite all of that, I'm still having a good day.  I got to blog!  It's almost the weekend! And, for some reason today I decided to dress cute, wear heels and straigthen my hair, which has garnered me some compliments.  Most of the compliments are because of my shoes, which I find AWESOME because they are from Payless.  Take that, you rich, Galleria-shopping, designer-label-wearing ladies! Muahaha!

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