Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Busy Little Bee

Oops!  I forgot to blog yesterday!  It's all because, for once, I had a busy evening of fun.

First, Tyler and I went on a walk at a really cool park.  There's a big track around the whole area and some ponds, lots of playground and exercise equipment.  Here's the park, called Arthur Storey Park, for any Houstonians.

Last night, the weather was really nice and apparently we weren't the only people who had the park idea.  There was a TON of people there.  We just walked along and talked to each other.  Tyler didn't even pull out his blackberry!  It was great.  Definitely worth it to get outside and spend some quality, technology/entertainment-free time together.  

After the park, Tyler and I came home and made dinner together.  Steak, mashed potatoes, asparagus and salad.  It was YUMMY.

And lastly, we watched the greatest show on television, aka LOST.  It was such a great episode.  Some very powerful acting and lots of "Whaaat?!?!!!" moments.  Good times.

Overall, it was a very couple-y kind of night and I really liked it.  I love just spending time with Tyler.  And I love going to bed with a sense of "Ahh, this was a productive (or at least satisfyingly busy) and fun evening."  Therefore, I hereby deem yesterday a success!

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