Thursday, March 11, 2010

First Day at a New Job

Well, my first day at my new job was a grand success!!

I'm working in the marketing department at The Galleria, which is the HUGE premiere retailer/mall in Houston. I'm technically an one of two interns, but the program has no set end date (meaning I can stay as long as I want/as they'll have me) and there is room for eventual promotion to a full-time gig.

Time for visual aids.  Here's what I wore on my first day.  It looks kind of school marmy in this photo, but it wasn't:

And here's my new desk space, including ancient computer:

Here are some of the highlights:
  • Everyone is freaking amazing. Seriously, they all seem like so much fun and really seem to know how to get their work done AND have a great time while doing it.
  • The other intern, who has been there for 6 months, and I are going to be super compatible. She had even set up my desk for me and stocked it with all kinds of goodies. See the picture on the right? So sweet! I already like her!
  • The office is really nice and I got a fun new badge that I swipe to get into a special reserved part of the parking garage, which is right across from the stealthy keyed-door entrance to our offices.
  • I packed a lunch today but didn't get to eat it because it was the General Manager's birthday and they surprised him with a fully-catered (and fully-delicious) lunch, complete with cupcakes and a giant cheesecake. Everyone stopped their day, came into the conference room, yelled surprise and chowed down while talking about tv shows, movies and the party they'd had a few nights before. LOVE.
  • Everyone dresses really stylishly (naturally) and I'm pumped about getting to dress up. Being a news producer is kind of a jeans & t-shirt type job, so this will be a nice change.
  • I was told by one of my coworkers that I need to make sure I know the words to "Fancy" by Reba McEntire, because that's one of the 2 other girls' favorite song to sing back and forth from their offices. And I'm told I'll need to be ready for anything, especially fun. Ummm, I think I can handle that. Score.
Anyway, I just can hardly believe how excited I am about this job! People are professional and efficient, but not stuffy at all. The next couple of months will be crazy busy because we have a HUGE fashion show-filled weekend, the Easter Bunny is arriving (ha!) and there is a Tim Gunn event coming up, but I am so glad I'll be involved in all of that!

Eeek! Okay, I hope everyone is having a great day! Tomorrow is "Demin Day" so I get to wear jeans to work-- gotta go pick out an outfit!

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